Air Quality
Select the station to view the past 7 days 24hr-PM10 Concentration in Singapore.
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Particulate Matter PM10
- All maps are to be used solely for displaying meteorological/geophysical information, and not for any other purpose. All maps are not to scale and for illustrative purpose only.
- PM10 refers to particulate matter of 10 micrometers or smaller in size. Examples are smoke, haze, dirt, dust, mold, spores and organic compounds. These particulates originate from anthropogenic activities such as burning of fossil fuels, industrial processes, or may be released from natural sources like volcanoes, forest fires and living vegetation.
- The 24-hr PM10 readings are calculated at:
01:00 UTC – Thailand
03:00 UTC – Malaysia
08:00 UTC – Singapore
09:00 UTC – Brunei